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Opened October 23, 2023 Artivive Gmbh GalleryReindorfgasse 38, Local 1, 1150Vienna, Austria




The Mountain.JPG





FORTUNE is an interactive installation co-created between a human artist, a human musician, a human writer, and a generative artificial intelligence using augmented reality. 

FORTUNE is for YOU. Like a tarot deck or bag of chicken bones, FORTUNE has been imbued with whimsical visions that work in harmony with your energy. There are 8 arcana (mysteries) with corresponding poems comprising a looping epic.

FORTUNE drew on the medieval Scapini tarot, inspiration from AI, friends and family, and the mists that float over Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Each arcana is influenced by two tarot. The artist drew The Sun card 6 times out of 32 draws.


The acrylic on paper images were than augmented using Artivive. Each poem of the FORTUNE epic was drafted in digital handwriting using the arcana as prompts, then fed through a "convert notes to text" digital filter. Those seven-line poems were then fed, line by line, into verse-by-verse, a Google driven AI for poetry. The artist used Emily Dickinson, Frances Watkins Harper, and Robert Frost as influencing voices. The resulting eight-part epic has no beginning and no end. Just a place-time you enter and a place-time you exit. The narrative repeats with a critical injection of a twist along every orbit. It is a mobius strip.




Alan Evans

Meg Murphy

Andy Ferrell Magee

Morgan Magee

Medieval Scapini Tarot

Emily Dickinson

Frances Harper

Robert Frost

Google AI


STEP 1: Form a question in your mind. Feel the question. Breath in the question and exhale the question. Enter FORTUNE prepared for guidance.

STEP 2: Hold your question in mind. View the arcana and read the poetry, one station at a time. Hold the Artivive application over each piece to see augmented extensions and hear chill beats by Grammy-nominated musician, my pal, Alan Evans.

STEP 3: As you travel through FORTUNE, imagine yourself as the arcana's travelers, flying rabbits, striped serpents, alien intelligences. Keep yourself open to new thoughts that float up from your subconscious. 

STEP 4: Exit FORTUNE. Select the charmed marble that speaks to you. This is your talisman, please take it. Venture into the world, allow it to guide you to FORTUNE.

The Sideways


She walked around the tree led by Faeries

“You are too big now,” they said.

Around and around, she circled.

The tree circled back.

The faeries vanished.

A rabbit waited on the far side of a tree.

The moon had become the sun.

The Mountain

She longed for adventure,

nature baited her, its abundance calling.

Guided from within, judged from beyond,

she predicted no end and no start.

A raven confirmed her dreams.

Uncertainty and hope haunted.

She persisted.


The Wonder


The boy sat, anchored by his story,

his mind wandered on wonder.

He was safely at harbor.

Would he be safe Elsewhere?

Chased into a gator’s mouth, he held true.

He found home though away.

Where will she find him next?­

The Escape

As wonder outside abounds,

 pale flowers kindle to a happy bloom.

Explored worlds, exploited depths,

somewhere lost, somewhere found,

gliding between stars, swift as spice.

An unseen end, cool,

as the purple night.


The Laugh


To be seen is to be.

Not being is to be free.

Where choice and fate dance,

on the frayed edges,

is where you take me.

I eagerly relent,

and go where taken.

The Dream

In the comfort of loneliness,

to seek is to be found.

Alien memories of tomorrow,

stars splendid, behold the storm.

Space suspends the flames.

A bee stings your dreams.

We laughed as we went.


The Embrace


How does love last?

Desire, hope, comfort, fear,

ringed by chaos, centered by certainty.

One for the other or both fade.

Kept from flight, poison hovers,

equal embrace,

equal dreams. 

The Elsewhere

Found in starlight,

ringed by magic, hidden by time.

Their love overwhelmed,

one escaped,

on the wings of a rabbit,

in the eyes of the moon.

She walked around a tree led by faeries.

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