An art installation for 4GameChangers
May 14-16, 2024
Vienna, Austria

HOPE is a series of surrealistic paintings representing each of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The paintings are inspired by the Scapini Tarot deck, both in look and content, the poem "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" by Robert Browning, and by the enduring mystical spirit of the American lighthouse.
Embedded in each painting, using Artivive's transformative tech, are animations by Angela Ho and music by Andy Ferrell Magee.
Like with the Tarot, interact with each painting while focusing your thoughts on the specific challenge that SDG represents. If a particular idea or image holds your attention, note it and allow that resonance to guide your action and your engagement.
The final SDG, the 17th, represents partnerships. Here, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts, add your energy, suggest directions for new art, sign your name to a social impact pledge, and take a charm to hold while on your journey.

Download the Artivive app to see the pending AR

Click an image, wait a bit as the file opens. The divinatory meaning is under each. To see animations, download Artivive and view the art through the app.

Angela Ho of Ahoy Visual Art works with pixels, paint, animation and augmented reality for commercial projects and exhibition. Her commercial clients have included The New York Times For Kids, Adobe, Slurpee 7-Eleven, Vans, GQ, Fast Company magazine and Beat Bites, among others. Angela is one of Adobe’s Global Creators.
HOPE animated by Angela Ho